The good news is that the MCIS Deluxe edition very much meets those expectations. A mammoth six discs cover the remastered album with three devoted to demos, rough mixes, new mixes, unreleased tracks and studio cuts while the sixth disc DVD has highlights from a 1996 show at Brixton Academy and footage from German TV showcasing a band at the peak of their live powers. The box itself is a lavish twelve inch affair with a beautifully presented lyrics book and detailed production notes and artwork. It's one of the more handsome deluxes you'll see this year. You will, however, have to pay through the nose - gorgeous as it is, 140 is monstrously expensive in these troubled times. Alternatively 40 will get you a download of the 93 audio tracks, but even that feels pricey for a collection that is three fifths demos and rough cuts.
The Smashing Pumpkins The Aeroplane Flies High Deluxe Edition 2013