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Robot framework non existing setting library: Tips and tricks for successful automation testing

I am trying to run a script to search for the keyword "mdh" and to show as a result.I installed robot framework and selenium library and this is my script which I wrote in sublime text and saved as a .robot file.

is written this way, but somehow the robotframework adds a space in between when I try to run the test and I get this ERROR "Non-existing setting 'Library Selenium Library'". Any ideas why? everything should be the latest version. I have tried also with Selenium2Library.

robot framework non existing setting library

pip list:pip (9.0.1)robotframework (3.2.2)robotframework-pythonlibcore (2.2.1)robotframework-selenium2library (3.0.0)robotframework-seleniumlibrary (4.5.0)selenium (3.141.0)setuptools (28.8.0)urllib3 (1.26.3)

The pip list now:pip (9.0.1)robotframework (3.2.2)robotframework-pythonlibcore (2.2.1)robotframework-selenium2library (3.0.0)robotframework-seleniumlibrary (3.3.0)selenium (3.141.0)setuptools (28.8.0)urllib3 (1.26.3)

What I do not understand is how the SeleniumLibrary is found? Or how the robot farmework is connected? I ask because the failing message to the script after a run in the PyCharm terminal withrobot -d results Testsis:[ ERROR ] Error in file 'C:\Robot\ProjectGoogle\Tests\ErsterFall.robot' on line 2: Non-existing setting 'Library SeleniumLibrary'.

To use SeleniumLibrary in Robot Framework tests, the library needs tofirst be imported using the Library setting as any other library.The library accepts some import time arguments, which are documentedin the keyword documentation along with all the keywords providedby the library.

If the enhancement is not generally useful, example solution is domain specific, then theSeleniumLibrary offers public APIs which can be used to build its own plugins and libraries.Plugin API allows us to add new keywords, modify existing keywords and modify the internalfunctionality of the library. Also new libraries can be built on top of theSeleniumLibrary. Please see extending documentation for more details about theavailable methods and for examples how the library can be extended.

  • robotframework-users mailing list#seleniumlibrary and #seleniumlibrary-dev channels inRobot Framework Slack community

  • Robot Framework forum has channel for SeleniumLibrary.

  • SeleniumLibrary issue tracker for bug reports and concrete enhancementrequests

  • Other community channels including paid support

VersionsSeleniumLibrary has over the years lived under SeleniumLibrary andSelenium2Library names and different library versions have supporteddifferent Selenium and Python versions. This is summarized in the tablebelow and the History section afterwards explains the project historya bit more.

Robot framework has a highly modular architecture as seen in the figure below. It is a technology-independent framework that uses keyword-driven testing. Users can create higher-level keywords from the existing keywords. Along with the generation of keywords, users can also create test libraries in different programming languages.

You can find the complete list by visiting the official documentation of robot.libraries package. Any test library that is not a part of the standard libraries is considered as an external library.There are a number of external libraries that are created by the Robot framework open-source community. To install , you just need to initiate the below command from the terminal.

As we would be using the Robot framework with Selenium, the next step in the Robot Framework tutorial is to install the SeleniumLibrary as an external test library to Robot. In order to install the SeleniumLibrary, run the below command on the terminal.

The SeleniumLibary is mandatory for automation testing with Selenium & Python using the Robot framework. SeleniumLibrary supports Python version 2.7, 3.4, or newer. This library is forked from Selenium2Library, hence you can also install the same library using the below command.

Now we know by far in this Robot framework tutorial that the framework can be used for distributed testing due to the availability of the remote library interface. This means that you can run test libraries on different machines where the Robot framework is executed. The remote libraries can be implemented using any programming language that supports XML-RPC protocol; further information can be found on the remote library interface documentation.

I am new to SikuliX and learning to write scripts in Sikuli integrated with Robo famework.I have read your doc on using Robot framework with Sikuli .(

Buy when i try to run my case it says "Non-existing setting 'Library " and "Test case contains no Keywords" . From your doc it has been mentioned that except for setting up Sikulix we do not have to do anything else for Roboframework integration.

"ERRORError in file 'C:\Users\E4D User\Documents\LoginLibrary.sikuli.robot\LoginLibrary.robot': Non-existing setting 'Library C:/Users/E4D User/Documents/LoginLibrary.sikuli.robot/'.

This functionality allows dynamic importing of libraries while tests are running. That may be necessary, if the library itself is dynamic and not yet available when test data is processed. In a normal case, libraries should be imported using the Library setting in the Setting section.

Variables imported with this keyword are set into the test suite scope similarly when importing them in the Setting table using the Variables setting. These variables override possible existing variables with the same names. This functionality can thus be used to import new variables, for example, for each test in a test suite.

Robot Framework is a Python-based, extensible keyword-driven automationframework for acceptance testing, acceptance test driven development (ATDD),behavior driven development (BDD) and robotic process automation (RPA). Itcan be used in distributed, heterogeneous environments, where automationrequires using different technologies and interfaces.

The [Documentation] setting allows you to set a freedocumentation for a test case. That text is shown in the command lineoutput, as well as the resulting test logs and test reports.It is possible to use simple HTML formatting in documentation andvariables can be used to make the documentation dynamic. Possiblenon-existing variables are left unchanged.

A test suite created from a directory can have similar settings as a suitecreated from a test case file. Because a directory alone cannot have thatkind of information, it must be placed into a special test suite initializationfile. An initialization file name must always be of the format__init__.ext, where the extension must be one of the supportedfile formats (typically __init__.robot).The name format is borrowed from Python, where files named in this mannerdenote that a directory is a module.

Test libraries are normally imported using the Librarysetting in the Setting section and having the library name in thesubsequent column. Unlike most of the other data, the library nameis both case- and space-sensitive. If a library is in a package,the full name including the package name must be used.

Another possibility to take a test library into use is using thekeyword Import Library from the BuiltIn library. This keywordtakes the library name and possible arguments similarly as theLibrary setting. Keywords from the imported library areavailable in the test suite where the Import Library keyword wasused. This approach is useful in cases where the library is notavailable when the test execution starts and only some other keywordsmake it available.

Libraries to import can be specified either by using the library nameor the path to the library. These approaches work the same way regardlessif the library is imported using the Library setting or theImport Library keyword.

In addition to the normal standard libraries listed above, there isalso Remote library that is totally different than the other standardlibraries. It does not have any keywords of its own but it works as aproxy between Robot Framework and actual test library implementations.These libraries can be running on other machines than the coreframework and can even be implemented using languages not supported byRobot Framework natively.

Any test library that is not one of the standard libraries is, bydefinition, an external library. The Robot Framework open source communityhas implemented several generic libraries, such as SeleniumLibrary andSwingLibrary, which are not packaged with the core framework. A list ofpublicly available libraries can be found from

List variables can be used only with some of the settings. They canbe used in arguments to imported libraries and variable files, butlibrary and variable file names themselves cannot be listvariables. Also with setups and teardowns list variable can not be usedas the name of the keyword, but can be used in arguments. With tag relatedsettings they can be used freely. Using scalar variables is possible inthose places where list variables are not supported.

Environment variables set in the operating system before the test execution areavailable during it, and it is possible to create new ones with the keywordSet Environment Variable or delete existing ones with thekeyword Delete Environment Variable, both available in theOperatingSystem library. Because environment variables are global,environment variables set in one test case can be used in other testcases executed after it. However, changes to environment variables arenot effective after the test execution.

The BuiltIn library has keywords Set Test Variable,Set Suite Variable and Set Global Variable which canbe used for setting variables dynamically during the testexecution. If a variable already exists within the new scope, itsvalue will be overwritten, and otherwise a new variable is created.

Keyword sections are used to create new higher-level keywords bycombining existing keywords together. These keywords are called userkeywords to differentiate them from lowest level library keywordsthat are implemented in test libraries. The syntax for creating userkeywords is very close to the syntax for creating test cases, whichmakes it easy to learn. 2ff7e9595c

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